Getting Creative with Marketing

Getting Creative with Marketing

Marketing as a Travel Agent

So if you’ve read my past blogs regarding life as a Travel Agent, you would know that I’m constantly going to different networking events and luncheons and trying to figure out marketing for my business. It is such a helpful way to gain new clients. Attend as many events as you can, meet as many people as you can.  Bridal expos are wonderful for honeymoon business, happy hour networking events are great for over-stressed 9-5ers looking to getaway, and national conventions are perfect for networking with other travel agents. I used to think other travel agents are the “enemy.” They are individuals with the potential to take away my clients.

When in reality, I’ve come to realize that it’s healthy for me to get to know other Travel Agents. I can pick their brain for ways they market themselves to the world. I can get ideas for itineraries they’ve sent clients on. Things that work time and time again, things that don’t. This industry is generally an older one so most agents are middle aged. Use their decades of experience and credentials. This industry is all about learning. What better way to do it than to get out there and see what successful people in this industry are doing? When attending these networking events, I decided to get a little creative with marketing this time.

Marketing Material

I tried to think about what materials I could attach my business card to that would be useful to other people and not something that would just be thrown in the trash. Well, I know when I worked in a corporate office, my coworkers were always looking for calendars. I thought about mini 2017 calendars, small enough to fit in their wallets, where people can keep them at their desk or at home, and attach my business card to it. I purchased these calendars from Oriental Trading, 48 pieces for $22.99. Here’s a close up. I stapled my business card to the bottom right so it wouldn’t interfere with the cute over-the-water-bungalows.

There were different creative versions – Paris, Santorini, Bora Bora. If someone looked overworked (Insurance sales people!), I’d give them the beach picture. If they looked like they were up for some adventure and sightseeing, I’d give them the Santorini and Paris mini calendars. They seemed to be well-received by people there. Who doesn’t like free stuff? Especially something as useful as a pocket sized calendar. Of course, this networking event was in January. I of course wouldn’t recommend passing it out around December 😉

Here’s a look at the different versions:

Just put them in a fashionable burlap knapsack and head out to your networking event.

Does anyone else have any other ideas for creative marketing? What else have you done to market your business?



Cassandra Chichester

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