Travel Tips: Organizing Your Bucket List

Travel Tips: Organizing Your Bucket List

I realize a lot of people have this “bucket list” although some may prefer to call it something else with the negative connotation of death. Whatever you call it, we all have it.

Unfortunately, not everyone documents their bucket list items. What’s most unfortunate about that is you won’t feel that deep satisfaction of physically crossing it off your list. I’m here to help you organize your bucket list. Mine is broken down into 3 different columns in Microsoft Excel:

  1. Places I want to go:
    • These are specific places I want to go, whether it’s as vague as a whole continent “Africa,” more granular as a country “Kenya” or a specific store/restaurant. Either way, any particular place would go here under this column (ex: Niagara Falls)
  2. Things I want to do:
    • These bucket list items have no particular location attached to them. For example, I really want to go on an African Safari. Now, whether that’s Kruger National Park in South Africa or Masai Mara in Kenya, I’d be ecstatic either way! There are also specific events that are on my “things I want to do” column such as the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta I’ve been wanting to do for soooo long (and doing this October!).
  3. Things I want to buy:
    • That’s right. Your bucket list doesn’t just have to be about things you want to do, it can simply be materialistic and focus on things you’d like to purchase. For me, I must say, I would love to own a pair of Christian Louboutin red bottom heels and that definitely falls under this category. Maybe it’s a large purchase like owning your own house or buying a convertible. Maybe it’s something smaller like purchasing a new laptop. You work hard for your money, and you deserve it. (Just don’t go overboard!). My most prized possession recently was a $50 file cabinet I bought from Wal-Mart to organize my clients’ files. Small goal, inexpensive, but still something to cross off.

Now, that’s the Excel sheet version. Welcome to 2016. If you’d like to organize it in another, more interactive way, I strongly recommend Pinterest. Fellas, I know Pinterest is currently used by 80% women but I can assure you it’s sooo not just a tool for women. It’s a great way for everyone to organize themselves. I’ve created a board called “Bucket List” and a board called “Been There Done That.” Once you’ve “checked” off the items on your bucket list, you can simply drag those pins to your Been there done that board. It’s satisfying (at least for me) to be able to see the different places and things I’ve had the opportunity to explore.

So get to organizing those lists so you can keep close tabs on your progress! It doesn’t all have to be out of reach and expensive. Set some goals that are very attainable. A quick trip to a local beach, a domestic trip, a girls (or guys) weekend, planned events, etc.

Feel free to leave a comment on how you manage/organize your list and also feel free to share what’s on your list. You may inspire me to add to my never ending list.

Cassandra Chichester

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